Practical Seminar for foreign language teachers, inglise keeles15.märts, kell 10:00 - 14:00

The seminar consists of a series of practical tips on vocabulary teaching to help the teacher in a variety of teaching situations to decide which vocabulary items to teach and how, and which kinds of learning and teaching strategies are likely to work well - or not so well.


Registreeru koolitusele Tallinna Haridusameti haldusalas oleva asutuse töötajana:


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Koolituse detailid


Tallinna Õismäe Vene Lütseum (Õismäe tee 28, 13512 Tallinn)


15.märts, kell 10:00 - 14:00


4 akadeemilist tundi


Ekaterina Pokhilina, Olga Boguslavski, Susanne Adoson, Marina Ermolaeva

Grupi suurus

kuni 20 osalejat


Tallinna haridustöötajatele tasuta


Memory activities for Language Learning, Problem solving techniques, Soft skills development, Vocabulary drill out of the box – practical activities for busy teachers.

Learning outcomes:

  • knows and is able to use memory developing activities
  • knows and is able to use problem solving activities
  • is able to use soft skills developing activities
  • is able to use vocabulary developing activities

Training topics:

“Memory activities for Language Learning”

Memory underpins every aspect of successful language learning. In the course of the seminar we are going to try out some types of activities involving memory to use with a class, such as: mental stretching, making language memorable, retrieving, memory techniques and mnemonics

“Problem solving techniques”
Problem-solving activities replicate ‘real’ speaking in that people have a need to speak; are effective way of practising language items that have been taught, i.e. both grammar and vocabulary. In the course of the seminar we are going to try out some types of problem-solving activities and discuss how they can be used effectively in the classroom.

“Soft skills development”

Playing a quiz game “Green Sleeves” to develop 7 basic soft skills: teamwork, problem solving, communication, adaptability, critical thinking, time management, interpersonal cooperation.

“Vocabulary drill out of the box”

Vocabulary is the most important component of language to learn.The more vocabulary a learner knows, the better they are likely to function in the new language.

Target group:

Foreign language teachers

The Practical Seminar is conducted by the English language teachers of Tallinn Õismäe Russian Lyceum – Ekaterina Pokhilina, MA, Olga Boguslavski, MA, Susanne Adoson, MA, Marina Ermolaeva, MA

Võta ühendust õppelogistikuga

Maris Uusküla

Maris Uusküla

(+372) 5434 0882


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