ICT and AI in teaching and learning English – inglise keeles
Koolituse detailid
Veebikoolitus. Osalustingimuseks on kaamera ja mikrofoni kasutamine kogu koolituse vältel.Aeg
Palume registreerumisel jälgida, et võimalik on osaleda kõikidel kuupäevadel: 04.04.2024, 11.04.2024 kell 16:00-17:30.Maht
4 akadeemilist tundiKoolitaja
Alicja Wujec Kaczmarek (Poola)Grupi suurus
Kuni 24 osalejatHind
Tallinna haridustöötajatele tasuta
Alicja Wujec Kaczmarek is an experienced English teacher specialising in introducing information and communication technologies into language teaching, a scholarship holder of the U.S. Department of State and a graduate of many methodological courses at home and abroad. She has also coordinated international projects under Comenius, Study Visits, and Erasmus Plus programs. She is a certified teacher, matriculation examiner and educator. She has been employed at Opole University and secondary schools in Opole. Moreover, she works as an English language consultant at the Municipal Teacher Training Centre in Opole, where, for the last 12 years, she has designed and run teachers’ training courses in the fields of the methodology of teaching English as a foreign language and ICT in teaching.
Target group:
Teachers of English interested in the use of technology and artificial intelligence in their work.
Learning outcomes:
- The participant understands the main premises of the language learning methodology supported by technological and AI-based applications.
- The participant knows and can use the apps supporting the development of a given skill (speaking, writing and others).
- The participant can assess the usefulness of a given app in the context of their language class.
- The participant knows how to effectively utilise ICT and AI tools for lesson planning, classroom activities, and student assessments.
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